The Pukes “The Revenge of The Pukes”

The Pukes “The Revenge of The Pukes” 2016, limited edition pink vinyl. Tire Fire Records/Good Land Records. These local Milwaukee snotty poppy surf-punks played at Acme Records in Bay View on Friday night, opening for BLAHA (from Minneapolis). I also saw them this past September at the Bay View Bash and while their Ramones-meets-Ronettes music is definitely meant more for naughty summer fun than cold March evenings, The Pukes performed a tight, irreverent set that warmed the crowd. They pulled mostly from their debut record The Revenge of the Pukes, including “Execution” and “They’ll Never Find You.” They did not play their signature single “Murder;” instead they brought in a crew of adorably young AV geeks (who were ridiculously polite) to shoot a video of three “Brewtown Beauties” (I think that is the group they were from) lip-synching to the track. The women, who looked similar to the album cover minus the blank-eyed skeleton faces, did a perfectly sloppy job matching the band’s attitude, if not looks: the singer/guitarist with his moppy Beatles-bowl cut and horn-rims, the drummer resembles a mathlete but look closer and there is a large Germs circle tattooed on his inner forearm and the bassist wears a G.G. Allin jacket complete with the words “Drink-Fight-Fuck” (and blue underwear, sorry about that).


Fortunately no feces-flinging occurred a the show, though I did have a wall of well-fed Milwaukee flesh to shield me for part of the evening if that were to transpire. (As a particular short-statured person, this is unfortunately my view at many concerts.)
