Convert “Unrestrained”

Convert “Unrestrained” Remix EP, 2023. Triple Eye Industries. Released this past weekend, on limited edition cassette and CD only. Milwaukee industrial-goth, post-punk and currently my favorite local band. We made it out to the release party show at Promises on Friday night and it was pretty epic, though no one saw much because of the intensity of the smoke machine. This literally is the best picture we took (and I’ve applied filters so you can at least kind of see Dillon singing). Funniest part of the evening: the young guy with the dreads you can see in the photo below at one point tried to start a mosh pit. Some of the young women in the crowd freaked and scurried out of the way to near where we were standing by the wall. Joe lightly grabbed the guy by the shoulder and told him to “Settle down!” I laughed so hard because it was such an old-man moment: get off my lawn!

Convert at Promises, March 3rd 2023

Anyway, Unrestrained is a collection of six remixed tracks from their 2022 LP Saves and it’s amazing. I think I actually like the remixes even better than the originals. Super extra dark, with the industrial sound amped into EBM territory. Think early (good) Ministry, Front 242, Nitzer Ebb meets The Cure, Bauhaus and Siouxsie. I 100% would have been dancing to these tracks on industrial night in the 80’s. “Watch It Burn (Blood Remix)” and “Bleached Bones (Vic Dagger Remix)” are ass-shaking amazing. I also love the swirly dream-synth accent on “Nightbursts (TransAmvania Remix)” and “Death Mask (Cellmate Remix)” is terrifying — in a good way. I also must give a shoutout to the sludgy track “Cold Motive (Guerrilla Ghost Remix)” mostly because I know one of the Guerrilla Ghost guys. You can get your own copy here.