Olivia Jean “Raving Ghost”

Olivia Jean “Raving Ghost” 2023. Third Man Records, limited edition Phantom Amethyst vinyl. We picked up this LP from Olivia Jean this past weekend when she played Bay View Bash in our neighborhood, though it was an extremely short set – 2 songs – as the heavens opened up with lightening and a torrential downpour. The bands gear was thoroughly soaked (and hopefully not ruined).

Today is an auspicious day to be writing about Olivia Jean’s third LP (besides having just seen her perform) – it’s the 35th anniversary of Enya’s album Watermark (released September 19th, 1988) that includes Enya’s hit song “Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)” which up until now I thought I could die happy NEVER hearing again (if you lived through 1988 or ever got a service at a day spa in the late 80’s/early 90’s you’ll understand). But Olivia Jean has made me fall in love with that song: her rendition of “Orinoco Flow” is a punky stomper and miles better than the original. The entirety of Raving Ghost is excellent spooky, slinky, surfy garage rocker. The single “Trouble” is unbelievably catchy, and I also love the creepy, crawly “Spider,” the Cramps-esque “Ditch” and the sultry bendy guitar on “Godmother” matched with Sabbath-level heaviness and Death Valley Girls-styled vocals is another standout.