Angry Samoans “Inside My Brain”

Published On: November 11, 2016Tags: , , ,

Angry Samoans “Inside My Brain” 1980/1987 (extended reissue version). Today’s pull is for one track on this record: “You Stupid Asshole,” the title of which pretty much sums my current mood. It’s been a horrible week. Besides the obvious, a friend of ours was attacked yesterday, in daylight, on a busy street not far from her home. No reason. No robbery attempt. She was walking her dog, a car pulled up, someone jumped out and punched her in the mouth. She has a broken jaw which will be wired shut for 5 weeks. My friend is one of the kindest people you could ever meet. She is a nurse, literally caring for others every single day. She also is incredibly involved in our neighborhood, bringing people together for family-friendly events, creating positive community. The upside of this is she has an amazing network of people to help and we are all actively looking for the perpetrators who have not yet been caught.