David Bowie “Tonight”

Published On: September 24, 2015Tags: , , ,

David Bowie “Tonight” released on this date, September 24th, 1984 (though another source has its release date as September 1st). Bowie’s 16th studio album reached #1 on the UK charts and #11 in the US. Two tracks on the album are Iggy Pop covers: “Neighborhood Threat” and “Tonight” (Bowie worked extensively with Pop in the 70′s and 80′s). The single “Blue Jean” was the first single released from the LP and reached #6 in the UK and #8 in the US. Even though Bowie says of the lyrical content, “’Blue Jean’ is a piece of sexist rock ‘n roll. It’s about picking up birds. It’s not very cerebral, that piece,” I really love the song and every time I hear it I think of a picture that Joe has of himself from around ‘84 or ‘85 dressed as Bowie in the video, crazy contoured makeup and all.

Overall the album feels very 80′s – sometimes overly smooth in its production, and Bowie himself later stated that this release wasn’t one of his best, though in  comparison to most artists, Bowie at his subpar still towers above the masses.