
“P.E.A.C.E./War” 1984. R Radical Records, international punk band compilation,  72-page magazine insert compiled by punk fanzine Maximum RocknRoll. I picked this up at downtown Milwaukee’s Radio Doctor’s during the summer of ‘86 and it blew me away. “Endless Blockades For the Pussyfooter” by GISM (Japan) is still one of my favorites. “Here Come the Cops” (The Afflicted – US) is punk-catchy. I have no idea what Kalashnikov is singing on “Schluter’s Kabinet” but punk in Danish – at least I’m guessing that’s the language – is amazing. My favorite track is False Prophets (US) “Banana Split Republic.” I saw False Prophets play live in Green Bay at the ABC Boxing Club in either late ‘86 or early ‘87 and this song nearly tore the place down. Reagan Youth’s (US) “Reagan Youth” is classic American hardcore.

For some reason I was enamored with Septic Death (US) and the track “Silence,” so much so that I sent my $5 off to Pushead for a Septic Death t-shirt, pretty sure they threw a poster and sticker into the package. (I probably figured a Septic Death t-shirt was the best way to piss off my parents and teachers without actually getting into any real trouble. I believe I wore it to school along with a pillow-case skirt that I borrowed from my friend, Carrie. 80′s punk fashion at its finest!)

There are 55 tracks on this double-LP, too many to list or review here. But worth a total listen for a snapshot into the international antiestablishment punk viewpoint of the day. That’s even reflected in the runoff groove scratchings: Side 1 – “What we want is free” and “Do it now” Side 2 – “This moment only happens once in your lifetime” Side 3 – “No poison nuclear power, weapons or war” “It’s life or death” and “Your choice!” Side 4 – “Think globally, act locally before it’s too late”