Jon Spencer Blues Explosion “Mo’ Width”

Published On: March 23, 2015Tags: , , , ,

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion “Mo’ Width” 1994 (recorded in ‘92), Au Go Go Records. JSBX releases their new album “Freedom Tower No Wave Dance Party 2015″ later this week, so it’s going to be a Blues Explosion week here at the Vault.

“Mo Width” has an alternative recording of “Afro,” which also appears on their 1993 LP “Extra Width.” “Johnson” does a great job of stripping and ripping apart standard blues components (harmonica, stark drum beats, etc.). Jon Spencer vocally fronts most of the songs, but I’m pretty sure Judah Bauer leads on “Wet Cat Blues” and Christina Martinez (Pussy Galore, Honeymoon Killers, Boss Hog) sings backup and adds camp to tracks like “Memphis Soul Typecast,” pledging her allegiance to the Blues Explosion and running down a menu of fried chicken, rice and mashed potatoes with a giggle.