The Kills “Live at Third Man Records”

The Kills “Live at Third Man Records” recorded live on October 10, 2012. Third Man Records. Today, November 23rd, is Kills’ singer Alison Mosshart’s birthday (b. 1978). She is also the singer for Jack White’s supergroup The Dead Weather. We picked up this “live to acetate” album when the Third Man Rolling Record store came through last spring.

The live record showcases the band’s bluesy sparse garage punk, Mosshart’s  cut with a razor blade sultry vocals front and center, backed with Velvet Underground-inspired droning beats and guitar. Songs on the album span back to their earlier releases including from Keep on Your Mean Side (“Kissy Kissy”), the 2008 album Midnight Boom (“Tape Song”) and 2011′s Blood Pressures (“Future Starts Slow,” “Heart is a Beating Drum,” “Baby Says” and “The Last Goodbye”). My favorite track is the slow-jamming New York Dolls-esque grooving “DNA” from Blood Pressures.

Run-off groove etchings:

Side A – “Dr. Groove is in the house!”

Side B – “Is it live and direct to disk?”