Lung “All The King’s Horses”

Lung “All The King’s Horses” 2018. Sofaburn Records, on clear vinyl. One of the most exciting and original bands currently out there, Lung plays super-dark, heavy art-punk/noise rock. The dark and heavy: Lung (from Cincinnati) are a two-piece featuring Kate Wakefield on electric cello and Daisy Caplan on drums so it’s all low-end. But soaring over the top is gorgeous art and beauty in the form of operatic vocals. Literally. Kate is a trained opera singer so her range is insane. We had the absolute pleasure of seeing Lung perform twice this past weekend at Mile of Music in Appleton, Wisconsin, one of our favorite music events that we missed terribly last year when it was canceled. It was Lung’s first time at MoM and they, like us, loved it (we got a chance to talk to Kate, Daisy and Daisy’s partner/band manager, Rachelle Caplan for awhile when one of their sets was cancelled due to rain). Anyone who ever sees Lung play live will tell you this: “You have GOT to see Lung.” (Our first time seeing them was two years ago in 2019 at Romanus Fest – our jaws fell to the ground and we were instant fans.) Their recording material is amazing but seeing and hearing them play these songs live is a mind bending, spine vibrating experience. Daisy bashes the beejezzus out of his kit and somehow also manages to – I think – take samples of Kate’s voice in real-time and then make layer upon layer upon layer of harmonization. Unreal. And though Kate is pretty much stuck on her seat with the cello, her performance is mesmerizing and dynamic: she uses her entire body to play and makes intense eye contact with the audience that draws you even deeper into the music.

All The King’s Horses is Lung’s second release. (I believe we picked up their brand new album at the show but we’re still decompressing from the weekend.) They played several of my favorite tracks from the LP including “Brock,” “Butcher” and “Bodies of Water,”  I’m not sure if they played “The Overgrowth” and “Horsebath” but those tracks are killer as well. They definitely did not play the sole cover on the record, David Bowie’s “I’m Afraid of Americans,” because Mile of Music has a no-cover-songs policy; only original music is allowed. I think Lung will be back in the area in a couple of months and we cannot wait to see them again.