The Uniform/The Fuses “In Love With Electricity”

Published On: February 9, 2021Tags: , , , , ,

The Uniform/The Fuses “In Love With Electricity” 1999. Morpheus Records. Split 12″ at 45rpm by two turn-of-the-millennium era Baltimore, MD punk bands. Both seem to have been pretty short-lived: The Uniform released two LP’s in 2000 and 2001 and a few singles and EP’s between ‘99 and ‘01. The Fuses were around a bit longer, from ‘96 to about 2002 with three LP’s and a handful of singles/EP’s. An indication of their snapshot in time is the email address on the record sleeve and the myspace profile link in their Discogs listing. The Uniform reminds me of 80′s east coast hardcore – really rough around the edges, heavy on the bass, ass-clenching tight beats, shouty vocals. Top track: “Western Movie.” The Fuses are decent – nothing special about their brand of punk: it’s loud, a bit chaotic but has some decent beats and melodies; my top track on their side is “Something Terminal.” No audio links to be found on the internet (though in all honesty I wasn’t bothered to look more than 30 seconds.) This split was in the “should-it-stay-or-should-it-go?” pile. If we had more space I’d be happy to keep it but in reality, we are out of space and the chances of me wanting to listen to it again are pretty low. These guys are another set of bands that had we seen them live back in “the day” I’d probably have a much better perspective and fondness for the vinyl.