The Briefs “Hit After Hit”

Published On: January 21, 2021Tags: , , , ,

The Briefs “Hit After Hit” 2000. Dirtnap Records. Super-fun, punchy garage punk out of Seattle. Hit After Hit was The Briefs’ first full-length album (they put out another on Dirtnap as well as a couple on BYO) and it’s exactly the kind of garage punk that I love: danceable, melodic and catchy yet hard-driving and fast as lightning. The songs are also hilarious and irreverent (they rip on Bob Seger on “Silver Bullet” – “I’d like to take his records and throw them in the trash” – and tell us all about how they got a new pair of shoes and they’re better than you on “New Shoes” – btw they also got socks). It’s hard to pick top tracks because the whole (very short) record is packed with greatness but here’s a few: “Poor and Weird,” “Run the Other Way,” “Rotten Love,” “Sylvia” and “Dolly Parton” which clocks in around 30 seconds with the sole lyrics: “Dalai Lama Dalai Lama Dolly Parton!” Brilliant.