Circle Jerks “Group Sex”

Circle Jerks “Group Sex” released 40 years ago today, October 1st, 1980. Frontier Records. Fast and short (14 songs, about 15 minutes) classic hardcore punk, Keith Morris’ first release since leaving Black Flag in ‘79. Circle Jerks included four tracks that Morris had co-written and recorded while in Black Flag: “Wasted” (one of my favorites), “Don’t Care” (another great one), “Red Tape” and “Behind the Door.” Former Red Kross guitarist (then later for Bad Religion) Greg Hetson also brought a track from his old band that Circle Jerks reworked for Group Sex: “Live Fast Die Young” (yet another fave). I also really like “I Just Want Some Skank,” “Operation,” “Back Against the Wall,” and “Paid Vacation” though all the songs are so quick that if you blink, you’ll miss them. I find this review from Allmusic hilarious: “As such things go, it’s tight, reasonably well played, the songs kinda sorta have hooks, and Keith Morris is a pretty good frontman, but if you’re looking for nuance, you’re pretty much out of luck. Then again, if you were looking for nuance in a Circle Jerks album, you’ve obviously been misinformed as to how this punk rock stuff works.”