Bauhaus “4AD”

Bauhaus “4AD” 1983. EP, 45 rpm. 4AD Records. This EP contains three singles from 1980: “Dark Entries,” “Terror Couple Kill Colonel” and “Telegram Sam” along with B-sides “Terror Couple Kill Colonel (version),” “Rosegarden Funeral of Sores” and “Crowds” (so bleak! so plaintive! so perfect!).
“Dark Entries” has a faster rocking tempo than most Bauhaus songs (so much so that it took me a few seconds to realize that I failed to switch the record player setting from 33-1/3 rpm to 45 rpm – it was only when the vocals started that I realized that Peter Murphy can sing low, but not that low), and has a very similar flavor to Bauhaus’ most excellent “In the Flat Field.” “Telegram Sam” is a cover by glam rockers T. Rex., lending Bauhaus a decidedly upbeat groove and garagey sound with sneer and swagger rather than the goth fathers’ usual gloomy distant minimalism.
4AD released the EP just months after Bauhaus disbanded in July 1983.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.