Bevis and Twink “Magic Eye”

Bevis and Twink “Magic Eye” 1990. Woronzow Records. A prog-psych-garage collaboration by Twink (drummer for Pretty Things, Pink Fairies, Stars – with Syd Barrett – in the 60′ and 70′s and solo work since) and the Bevis Frond aka Nick Saloman (prolific songwriter and guitarist, head of Woronzow Records, active from the 80′s til present day). Magic Eye is a combo of trippy, spacey soundspaces (ie the brief instrumental “Eclipse” or the much longer jam “Gryke”) and hard rock, like my favorite track “Flying Igloos” as well as “Black Queen” (60′s garage meets Black Sabbath) and “Fractured Sky” where Twink lays down thundering beats over which Saloman wails and growls out weird-ass lyrics (“we’re sucking on our mutant fruit”) and throws in nuggets of heavy-metal though virtuosic tinged guitar solos.