Black Flag “Jealous Again”

Published On: May 6, 2015Tags: , , ,

Black Flag “Jealous Again” 1980. SST Records (the label’s third release). 5 song EP. Original vocalist Keith Morris quit the band during its initial recording and Black Flag replaced him with Red Kross’s Ron Reyes (vocal credits on the album given to “Chavo Pederast” who is actually Reyes). Reyes’ version of the EP almost didn’t make it – he quit the band in the middle of a show and Dez Cadena (also from Red Kross) temporarily took over vocal recording – but Reyes finally returned to complete the project.

White Minority” is probably the most recognized and popular song on the EP, appearing in the documentary “The Decline of Western Civilization,” (the song an attack on racism and white supremacy rather than an advocation). The track “You Bet We’ve Got Something Against You!” reflects the internal band strife: bassist Charles Dukowski rewrote and recorded the lyrics to “I Don’t Care,” ranting against Keith Morris’ departure from Black Flag and taking – then recording – “I Don’t Care” (which was originally slated to appear on “Jealous Again”) and “Wasted” which Morris then played with his new band The Circle Jerks.

You don’t have anything personal against me do you?
You bet I’ve got something personal against you!

We know you stole our song
You were there
every touch is wrong
You were there fuckin’ wrote it all down
You regret everything you’ve done now