Boss Hog “Brood Star”

Boss Hog “Brood Star” 4 song EP on In The Red Records, released last week (release date given as July 1st but my man Dan at Rush Mor wasn’t able to get it until Friday July 15th). Brood Star is Boss Hog’s first release in 16 years and the reason why (in an interview with New Noise Magazine) according to Cristina Martinez is “Because I fucking felt like it.”
Like Boss Hog’s earlier releases, Brood Star is noisy urban art punk. “Wichita Grey” and “Disgrace” are fast and dirty while “Devious Motherfucker” and “Nymph Beat” are slower-paced insidiously slick grooves filled with funk. A full-length album, Brood X, should be released later this year, hopefully with a full tour to support it. The last time we saw Boss Hog was in 2000 while they toured for their last album, Whiteout.
Run-off groove etchings – Side A “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for and Side B “Resistance is futile”
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.