Brother O’Brother “Live at Radio Radio”

Brother O’Brother “Live at Radio Radio” 2016. Shed House Records, marbled vinyl. Tomorrow, May 26th, we’re driving down to Indianapolis for the record release show of Brother O’Brother’s new album Neon Native at Hi-Fi Indy, so I’m prepping by listening to this live LP. Live at Radio Radio is a live performance of tracks from their 2014 self-titled debut (“Means To Be A Woman” and “Without Love”) and the 2015 release Show Pony, including “Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing,” “White Dove” and one of my favorite BoB tunes “The Itch.” There are also three songs from Neon Native: “R.O.S.E.,” “I Confess” and “Fever.”
I’m expecting a bit of an adventure for this brief road trip. It’s Memorial Day weekend and we have to drive through Chicago (always a bit of a nightmare, even on a non-holiday). While trying to find a hotel around Indianapolis – and being completely unsuccessful – I figured out that it’s also the Indy 500 this weekend (me=not a race fan, obviously). While having driven through Indianapolis hundreds of times on my way to wherever, I’ve never actually stopped so I have little knowledge of the city or what to expect. But the show itself should be AMAZING. BoB puts on an incredible show wherever they play, but this one will be in their hometown with lots of friends and family (I’m guessing) in the audience. The guys will have some sweet swag available: some tasty crazy vinyl treats, shirts and posters. And to top it off, S-E-R-V-I-C-E is one of the opening bands and Russell Simins from Jon Spencer Blues Explosion plays drums so that’s the happy cherry on top of my rock-n-roll-blue-garage-punk-gospel sundae.

The sweet swag (Photos via Brother O’Brother’s Instagram).
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.