Cherry Vanilla “Bad Girl”

Published On: February 2, 2023Tags: , , , , ,

Cherry Vanilla “Bad Girl” 1978. Punk’d up rocking arty/bluesy tracks from former Warhol film actress and David Bowie publicist Cherry Vanilla (Kathleen Dorritie). Her band, after a relocation to London from New York in ’77, even included Sting on bass for a minute. We’re continuing to thin the record herd and this has been on the stay or should it go pile for a bit.

Bad Girl is kind of a blend of Joan Jett rocker attitude mixed with a flair for campy glam show tunes. There’s lots of nods to 50’s boogie woogie piano like on “So 1950’s” and “Not So Bad” which also has some 50’s doo-wop thrown in, plus some honky tonk country flavor (the title track “Bad Girl“). It also has some Sex Pistols sneer: “The Punk” (her first single release) which has some pretty great punk guitar shreds and a riff that is basically a directly lift from “Anarchy in the UK” (the main progression on “Foxy Bitch” is a close match to “Submission”) and “No More Canaries” crashes and thrashes. “Liverpool,” the second single from Bad Girl throws all of the influence together: boogie boogie piano, a horn section, punk simplicity and beat, and rock ‘n roll guitar. It’s an OK record with a couple of pretty good songs but the camp aspect gets tiring and I can’t see listening to this again anytime soon. I think it’s a go.