Dimentia 13 “Disturb the Air”

Dimentia 13 “Disturb the Air” 1989. Midnight Records. Jangly neo-psychedelic post punk, Disturb the Air was Dimentia 13′s third LP and was produced by Glenn Rehse of Plasticland and recorded in Milwaukee at Cornerstone Studio. I found an article about the album written by Dimentia 13′s main member, Brad Warner (vocals, guitar, percussion; the other member is Louanne Varholik on bass and backing vocals) who says that Rehse was a fan of the first two albums and since Warner was living in Chicago at the time, having recently moved there from Ohio (and a Plasticland fan himself), the two decided to collaborate. I had zero expectations when I put the needle on this record but have been more than pleasantly surprised. It’s melodic, psychedelic and at times ass-shaking, particularly “I Don’t Want You,” which is my top track on the album. But the rest is really great, too: “Martyred Under Mary,” “Do What You Will,” “It’s Awfully Nice of You” and “Samantha.” Dimentia 13′s sound isn’t terribly original – a lot of bands in the 80′s were blending 60′s psychedelia with post-punk sensibilities (ie Echo and the Bunnymen,  Siouxsie and the Banshees, fellow Chicagoans The Dream Syndicate, etc.) but Warner’s Dimentia 13 is definitely worth a listen and I’m always willing to give artists with a strong Midwest and/or Milwaukee connection an extra ear.