Eddy Grant “Killer on the Rampage”

Eddy Grant “Killer on the Rampage” 1983. I was looking for another album in the G section for today’s pull but saw this gem (those shorts! those thighs!) and had to grab it for a listen. I am pretty sure I’ve never listened to the full record, only its supremely awesome single “Electric Avenue” – I never get tired of it!
Knowing virtually nothing beyond “Electric Avenue,” I did a bit of quick research on Grant. I thought he was British (and he is) but he was born in Guyana. He also began his musical career much earlier than the 80s: his first hit single was all the way back in 1968 with the Equals’ “Baby Come Back.” So NOT a one-hit wonder!
“Killer on the Rampage” is a unique mix of new wave and reggae, especially in songs like “It’s All in You” where the vocal style is reggae but the bass and guitar have a very typical 80’s flavor. This song in particular would right at home on movie soundtrack like “Beverly Hills Cop.” “War Party” is another tune that is heavily reggae in its beat and lyrical phrasing, but subtly teases around the edges with some classic 80s pop elements (namely the sound of the synthesizer).
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.