Electric Frankenstein vs. The Hellacopters

Electric Frankenstein vs. The Hellacopters split 7 inch, 1998.  Frank Records, Intensive Scare Records. It’s the run-up week to Halloween and fortunately the Vault has no lack of Halloween-inspired bands, dark goth albums and black clothes. Side A of this split features two garage punk Electric Frankenstein tracks, “Learn to Burn” and “Born Wild” from their ‘97 release Sick Songs. Side B has the Swedish punk revivalists The Hellacopters playing heavy on “Oh Yeah Allright!” and then unusually slowing things down with “I Want A Lip!” – a boozey-blusey track with harmonica. The B-side concludes with a hidden and unnamed track: a (drunken?) rendition, shouted in a mashup of Swedish and English, of Electric Frankenstein’s “It’s All Moving Faster,” a track on EF’s 1996 album Electric Frankenstein Conquers the World.