Gallery Night “Gallery Night”

Gallery Night “Gallery Night” 2017. Tall Pat Records. 3 song “EP” by the ultimate un-Googleable Milwaukee garage-punk noise rockers. Fortunately they are/were a neighborhood band so I’ve seen them a bunch of times but because my photo library is a hot mess, I only found a few from a show in 2018 at Cactus Club and then one of singer/guitarist Jim McCann (aka Hollywood; Baseball Furies) and drummer Kelsey Kaufmann (Cougar Den, Cactus Club proprietress).

Gallery Night at Cactus Club, 2018(?)

Gallery Night at Cactus Club, 2018(?)

Just three short songs: the dark “One By One,” which sounds a lot like another current Milwaukee band, Convert, with whom I think they played a show at Cactus, maybe pre-pandemic; “S.O.S.” which is jangularly intense, and the menacing “Got a Gun.” I’ve been sitting on this 7″ (plus their other two releases) forever. Hollywood is spinning records tonight at the new bar in Bay View that he co-owns; it’s a Repo Man theme and the energy of this EP is similarish to the Repo Man vibe.

Gallery Night at Cactus Club date unknown

Good luck finding anything by Gallery Night! I did track down one video by local label Dusty Medical on YouTube from a show in 2015 at Cactus. Not sure if I was at this one or not.