Gasoline “Fake to Fame”

Gasoline “Fake to Fame” 2001. Estrus Records. Limited edition green vinyl. Lo-fi sloppy garage rock revival from Japan. The Vault is currently in minor reorganization mode (to make way for more vinyl) so we’re going through the current Main Vault collection and pulling records that can be relegated to the Overflow Vault (=basement). In the process, we are discovering records forgotten about, like this one. I had no recollection of what it was but it definitely looked interesting and Estrus is usually a pretty reliable label. Good news – this is pretty great! Fake to Fame is 60′s inspired with a gritty punk attitude, though for the most part I can’t understand the vocals (several songs are in Japanese). No matter, I’ve always been more of a music person than a lyrics one anyway. Stand-out tracks: slinky grooving “Man’s Man’s Time,” psychobilly instrumental “Don’t Turn Your Blade,” and blues-funky “You’ll Remember.” Less exciting: jazz-inspired noodley “Cool Kidding Part 1,″ its redux “Cool Kidding Part 2″ (a bonus track on the vinyl release) and the vaguely folky acoustic “Boogie Wrench” (actually I’m just more confused by that one). You can listen to the whole album here.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.