Green/Blue “Green/Blue”

Green/Blue “Green/Blue” 2020. Slovenly Recordings. The first release from noisy Minneapolis garage rockers Green/Blue and the new(ish) project by Jim Blaha of The Blind Shake, Shadow in the Cracks (both of those with his brother, Mike Blaha) and Jim and the French Vanilla. The Blaha bros are busy! I adore The Blind Shake and Shadow in the Cracks (and they put on wildly great shows) so I’m not sure what took me so long to put Green/Blue on the turntable; I was inspired today when I listened to a Spotify mixtape (put out for Dirtnap Record Patreons) that included the Green/Blue track “Police Street.” The rest of the record is just as great! It is on the lo-fi side, dark and driving. Jim Blaha is responsible for all the instruments, which he “recorded on the thinnest of tape in the basement studio of [his] Minneapolis home” (from Slovenly Recordings’ website) and most of the vocals; additional vocals are provided by Annie Sparrows (from The Soviettes). Jim is also a collage artist and created all of the record’s artwork. According to Slovenly, Green/Blue has evolved from basically a solo project to a four-piece and now includes Danny Henry (also from The Soviettes) on drums and Video Takahashi (from Birthday Suits) on bass. Jim sings and plays guitar. Besides “Police Street,” my top tracks include the opener “At a Loss,” the wild “No Place to Go” which has Blaha and Sparrows sharing desperate vocals, the lo-fi rocker “Holiday Kicks” and “Return.” Green/Blue just released their new record Offering a couple of days ago – we need to get a hold of it soon (unless we already did the preorder, I honestly can’t keep up with our record collection).