“Guerrilla Girls! She-Punks & Beyond 1975-2016”

“Guerrilla Girls! She-Punks & Beyond 1975-2016” 2023. Ace Records on Rough Trade exclusive edition splatter vinyl. A compilation of 25 punk tracks by all (or mostly all) women-led punk bands. A lot I’m familiar with, mostly the older stuff like Patti Smith, X-Ray Spex, The Slits, and a few I’m not (We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It, The Tuts). It’s a double LP so packed with material so here are my highlights, in (mostly) chronological and LP organizational order. The great Patti Smith leads off the comp in the 70’s with “Gloria” (seeing her sing this live last month was epic). I’m always thrilled to have anything on vinyl by The Bags since actual physical, stand-alone releases by them are practically non-existent so “Survive” is very very appreciated. I’m always surprised when Blondie is included on punk comps (they are so new wave/pop!) but Debbie Harry never disappoints and the track “I Didn’t Have The Nerve To Say No” isn’t one I’ve already heard on the radio a million times so it’s nice to have here. As we move into the 80’s: the Bangles have a track, too, (again, not punk in my mind) the surfy instrumental “Bitchen Summer (Speedway)” and it’s just OK but novel enough for a mention. The Slits are always great, included is “Earthbeat” as are Bush Tetras with “Das Ah Riot.” Au Pairs’ “Shakedown” is a real ass-shaker. Not necessarily punk, in fact way more jangly 60’s hippie garage, is “It’s About Time” by The Pandoras and I love it. Then we move into late 80’s/early 90’s riot grrrl era with the raucous “Her Jazz” by Huggy Bear, massively angry Babes in Toyland’s “Bruise Violet,” the anthem “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill and one of my all-time favorite songs by any group, L7’s “Pretend We’re Dead.” We have a bunch of all of these tracks on the original album upon which they appeared but some of the more obscure stuff is pretty great to have compiled in one spot.