Iggy Pop “Apollo”

Iggy Pop “Apollo” 2017. Easy Action Records. 10″ single. Recorded at the Manchester Apollo on September 25th, 1977 while on his “Lust for Life” tour in the UK. Just two tracks, but they’re two of Iggy’s best and best-known, extended in the live performance (hence the 10″ format): “Lust for Life” and “The Passenger.” He swears and sneers, stomps and slithers as the band churns along (the Sales brothers on drums and bass, Stacey Heydon on guitar and Scott Thurston on keyboards). Punk was in its screaming toddler infancy in ‘77 in the UK, with new groups forming everywhere, and my guess is any of them at Iggy’s shows that tour learned a thing or two about punk swagger, audience intimidation and how to rock leather pants from the godfather.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.