Joshua Powell “Skeleton Party”

Joshua Powell “Skeleton Party” 2021. Romanus Records. Limited edition (50 copies) tri-color variant. Dream pop with an edge out of Indianapolis. Whispers of psychedelia that one writer described as a “fever dream with experimental sounds weaving a story” (there’s theremin!) and lyrics that are intentionally poetic: Joshua Powell says “Songwriting is not very emotional for me. It isn’t a cathartic process. I look at it as academic or intellectual work. I want it to be beautiful and sound but I want it to be something I’m proud of as well.” (From an interview on Pattern) Despite having been written and recorded during the pandemic (Powell: “The world was a big hell mouth at the time of recording”), the darkness of Skeleton Party is far from depressing, more folky goth-inspired lush and dense with some swirly rainbow brightness glistening at the edges; the liner notes state that “this record has been certified as a magical artifact by all pertinent boards and covens of mages, clerics, witches and shamans.” My favorite tracks are the opener “Sad Boy at the Skeleton Party” (such a great title!), the danceable – and at times hard-rocking – “Coral Castle” and another guitar-forward, Pink Floyd-ish complex prog-rocker “Nine of Swords.” My only real criticism of Skeleton Party is the occasional use of autotune (i.e. at the end of the otherwise stellar song “Rainbow Trout“) of which I am never ever a fan. We’ve seen Joshua Powell play live at least once – at Romanus Fest in Indy, 2018 or 2019, I can’t remember! – and I think another time, at Mile of Music maybe? We were hoping to catch them play again this year but sadly missed out when they came through our town. Powell and his crew did stay at my friend’s home after their Appleton performance this fall and she reported that they are the sweetest group of guys ever, great houseguests 😊
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.