Kim Gordon “No Home Record”

Kim Gordon “No Home Record” 2019. Matador Records. Today, April 28th, is Kim Gordon’s 68th birthday (b. 1953) so I’m spinning her first solo album (after the demise of Sonic Youth 2011 she recorded a record with Body/Head, comprised Gordon and Bill Nace, and Glitterbust – Gordon and Alex Knost). No Home Record is industrial-tinged experimental noise rock: lots of distortion, pounding in-your-face beats, discord and challenge. It charted in the UK, reaching #79 (and went to #29 on the Scottish charts – I didn’t realize Scotland had their own ratings) and though a few singles were released, I don’t think any of those charted. One of those singles is my top track: “Murdered Out” which is probably the most accessible song on the LP – it’s industrial and full of fuzzed distortion but also fairly danceable, as is “Hungry Baby” (another single). “Air BnB,” another single, amuses me as the Air BnB concept was the initial inspiration for the album (that’s where she met the album’s producer, Justin Raisen) (also the video is hilarious). “Don’t Play It” is alt-psychedelic hypnotic and “Cookie Butter,” besides having just the best name ever, is waaaayyy out there, epic in length with a teletype beat and Gordon kinda whisper-shouting punctuated stacato’d lyrics finished with grinding geared guitar.
Gordon continues to be just. so. cool. (inner sleeve photo from No Home Record)

Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.