Local Music Week: Static Eyes “Traps”

Static Eyes “Traps” 2017. Triple Eye Industries. Local Milwaukee trashy, thrashy garage punk. I’ve collected a tidy pile of local music over the last little bit, mostly on cassette (vinyl production issues, you know the deal) so this week I’m focusing exclusively on Milwaukee bands currently, or at least very recently, active. Static Eyes is 3/4 of one of my favorite MKE bands, Fox Face; both bands include Chopper (on drums in Static Eyes, on guitar in Fox Face), Lindsay (on bass, some vocals: Static Eyes, guitar and vocals: Fox Face) and Lydia (drums: Static Eyes, guitar and vocals: Fox Face). Lee provides howling, growling vocals and some crazy-ass dancing for Static Eyes — it’s been a few years since they’ve played out (I think) but their shows were dynamic, loud and nuts. I think the last time we saw them was maybe in 2017 at Burnhearts Pabst Street Fest.

“Traps” is a quick and brutal six-song EP, no filler. My top track is “Dahmer Faced Dog” which is both wicked and hilarious; I believe the story behind it is that Lee was at a yoga class and misheard, in the most Milwaukee way ever, the pose Downward Facing Dog as Dahmer-Facing Dog. It has a killer (pun intended) hook and is a total ass-shaker. The title track “Traps” is dark, menacing and more than a little creepy. My other top pick, “Close Talker,” has a sentiment pandemic-me can totally relate to: “Don’t stand so fucking close…get outta my face!”