Love and Rockets “Love and Rockets”

Love and Rockets “Love and Rockets” 1989. Beggar’s Banquet. I’m posting a CD today for this album’s 30th anniversary (Sept. 4th, 1989 – though Wiki has a vague “May 1989″ release date, I don’t think that is accurate. Several other websites list it as Sept. 4th). In 1989 I was buying CD’s: it was the thing to do and also I was living in a teeny tiny dorm room which had barely enough space for my JVC CD boombox (which I still had up until a few years ago). Love and Rockets was the band’s fourth album, dark psychedelic industrial goth rock that, amazingly, finally broke them through to the mainstream on the strength of the single “So Alive” which went to #3 in the US (#1 on the US Modern Rock chart). Also released as singles were “Motorcycle,” “No Big Deal” and “Rock and Roll Babylon” (I think, not positive about those last two though). I loved this album (and still do!) so much. I saw them in the Fall of ‘89 in Madison, WI for their Love and Rockets tour (The Pixies opened) where I’m certain they played those singles plus probably a few other of my favorites like “***(Jungle Law).” Last summer I saw the partially reformed Love and Rockets group Poptone (Daniel Ash and Kevin Haskins) perform at First Avenue. They played revamped versions of “Motorcycle” and “No Big Deal” as well as older Love and Rockets tracks plus selections from Bauhaus’ and Tones on Tails’ catalogues.