Me Like Bees “There Will Be Time”

Published On: August 9, 2016Tags: , , , ,

Me Like Bees “There Will Be Time” 2016. Four song 10″ EP on white vinyl. Me Like Bees was another fantastic band we saw (twice!) at Appleton, WI’s Mile of Music this past weekend. An indie-rock band from Joplin, MO (the MoM bio says “Four-piece alternative indie-rockers. The band states that their live show is as delicious as the beer that flows from Wisconsin’s finest tap rooms; their jokes cheesier than the sharpest cheddar”), their performances were filled with upbeat, happy melodies that paired perfectly with the gorgeous August summer outdoor shows at Emmett’s Bar & Grill (Friday) and Houdini Plaza (Saturday) in downtown Appleton. (I haven’t spent so much time in Houdini Plaza – a kinda town square behind the main street – since high school when my friends and I would hang out between bus transfers, usually because we had just gotten booted from Tom’s, a local fast food joint).

Me Like Bees on the Emmett’s parking lot stage, Mile of Music

There Will Be Time, which they self-released, is Me Like Bee’s only other recording besides their full-length The Ides from 2013 (Loveaway Records). There Will Be Time includes one of the highlights of their performances “Tundraland,” a soaring feel-good anthemic stomper that is just as good (or better!) as anything Modest Mouse (one of their stated influences) or Mumford & Sons (another current band they kinda remind me of) has produced. Another track is “Hymns and Blues” and I was able to find a live performance from Mill Creek in Appleton, part of the MoM venue line-up, though this particular video is from this past February (hence the sweater on lead singer/guitarist Luke Sheafer).