Men Without Hats “The Safety Dance”
Men Without Hats “The Safety Dance” b/w “Living in China” released Jan. 14th, 1983. This 7″ single version is far shorter than the album/12″ single version I’m familiar with, that version’s intro all echoey and a helpful spelling lesson (Sssss-Aaaaa-Fffff-Eeee-Tttttt-Yyyyy). I’ve also had that iteration of “Safety Dance” on an 80′s mix I use for running and the mix is so engrained in my head that at the end of listening to this 45 I was shocked that Musical Youth’s “Pass the Dutchie” wasn’t on next.
I’ve always loved this exceptionally upbeat and catchy song, one of many that got me super-into 80′s New Wave. It reached #3 in the US in September of ‘83 (in Men Without Hats’ native Canada it reached #11 in May). I thought the lyrics were describing a fanciful day in medieval Europe, lords and lasses cavorting around the Maypole (this interpretation highly influenced by The Safety Dance video). However, after some quick reading I’ve discovered that it’s a protest song (!) against club bouncers stopping dancers from pogoing to New Wave music. Secondary to that it’s a protest against nuclear energy. Huh.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.