Mudhoney “Live at Third Man Records”

Mudhoney “Live at Third Man Records” recorded live to acetate on Sept. 26 2013. Third Man Records’ Rolling Record Store rolled through Milwaukee earlier this week. We stood in line for about an hour (early April in the midwest is FREEZING) but so worth it to score a few releases like this one (and the folks working the truck were absolutely sweet and lovely, warming our hearts if not our toes).

Five of the tracks from the album are from Mudhoney’s “Vanishing Point” LP, plus a couple of oldies-but-goodies like “Here Comes Sickness” and “When Tomorrow Hits” from their 1989 debut studio album. Also included is a Cheater Slicks cover song, “Ghost.” It’s a raucous live performance, fuzzy and fast like 25+ years ago was just yesterday.

Love that Third Man includes run-off groove etchings! Side 1: Dr. Groove says “crazy sweet.” Side 2: Keeping the Shannons paid.

Who are the Shannons??