Public Image Ltd. “Album”

Public Image Ltd. “Album” 1986. I’m spinning PiL’s fifth studio album in honor of Ginger Baker who died yesterday, October 8th, at age 80. Baker played drums on Album and I can only imagine the energy in the recording studio between Baker and John Lydon, both of them “gingers” known for their strong and often volatile personalities. Despite what could be viewed as an ironic partnership given Lydon’s punk background vs. Baker’s classic blues-rock pedigree (as an April Fool’s joke in 1981, NME wrote that Baker was joining PiL), I’m pretty sure in Lydon’s autobiography that he said working with Baker was a good experience. Baker, renown for his crushing drum solos and flamboyant style, bashes the shit out of the rhythm section on Album, most especially on “Fishing,” “Bags,” and “Ease” and he was a great match for Lydon’s lyrical fury. Baker did not play drums on either single released from Album, “Rise” (#11 UK charts) and “Home” (#75 UK); Tony Williams (drummer for Miles Davis) recorded the drums for those tracks.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.