Public Image Ltd “Happy?”

Public Image Ltd “Happy?” 1987. Today, January 31st, is John Lydon’s birthday (b. 1956). Happy? is PiL’s sixth studio LP; it went to #40 in the UK and to #169 in the US. It has an 80’s industrial dance sound; Lydon said the it has “a doom, death and destruction feel about it, very crunchy, tanks rolling, very military in its approach.” My top track include the two singles from late ’87: “Seattle” which went to #47 in the UK and made it onto the US dance chart at #30, and “The Body” which did not chart. Both are really solid industrial dance tracks and it’s entirely likely I danced to one or both sometime in ’88 when heading to alternative night at the dance clubs we’d drive up to in Green Bay from Appleton was totally a thing. I also like “Hard Times,” which has a lot of Lydon sneer and some signature “ah-ha-ha-ha’s” overlaying some righteous 80’s hair metal guitar riffs and prog keyboards. Even if I didn’t like that track, I’d share it just for PiL’s performance of the song at the Bristol Zoo for a Saturday morning kids’ program.