Radioactivity “Radioactivity”

Published On: November 1, 2021Tags: , , , ,

Radioactivity “Radioactivity” 2013. Dirtnap Records. I just finished listening to a podcast featuring Ken of Dirtnap Records (“Full on Church of Rock ‘n’ Roll” Episode 48) and Radioactivity, among several other Dirtnap bands, came up in the discussion. Ken gave me this record awhile back and it’s been in my pile of new-to-me records to spin so today’s the day! Radioactivity is powerpop-punk via Texas via Japan; when guitarist/vocalist Jeff Burke moved back to the States he reformed the band he was in overseas, The Novice, into Radioactivity. He joined up with Mark Ryan (bass) from The Marked Men and High Tension Wire and Gregory Rutherford (drums) from Bad Sports and High Tension Wire.

Radioactivity is punchy, melodic and a little bit snotty: punk in the spirit of the the Ramones with very few hard edges, a teeny bit of jangle and tons of energy. Better for pogo-ing than slamming. “What You Want” is a re-worked Novice song (also released on Dirtnap Records in 2013 as a 7″) and one of my favorite songs on the LP. Other top tracks include the lead track “Sickness,” “World of Pleasure,” “Alright” and “When I’m Gone.”