Suburban Mutilation “The Opera Ain’t Over Til the Fat Lady Sings”

Suburban Mutilation “The Opera Ain’t Over Til the Fat Lady Sings” 1984. 2014 reissue on blue vinyl, Beer City Records. 80′s hardcore punk from Green Bay, Wisconsin. We’re heading up to Green Bay tomorrow for a show (not a punk show, though) and it’s been awhile since we’ve been to ANY shows but even longer seeing one in Green Bay. In the 80′s I saw a ton of bands up there…not Suburban Mutilation as they were broken up before I was going to shows though I definitely saw Rev. Norb (SM’s singer) a few times over the years – he continues to perform with Boris the Sprinkler. It’s fast, hard, loud as pretty much all hardcore punk is, with a dose of juvenile humor, vague 80′s political commentary (ie one of my favorites “El Salvador Stomp” – “Brand new dance that you can do because Uncle Sam wants you. Find yourself a nice dictator, shoot first ask questions later…”), and general anti-suburban culture rants (another favorite is “Plastic Chicken” – “I go down to the shopping mall, see all the suburban mothers! Oh they like to go shopping with their suburban daughters!”). Other top picks are “Ya Buncha Morons” and “Regurgitate” (which is hilarious – “1234 You’re a fucking preppy whore!  2468 You make me regurgitate!”). I got a copy of this record from my friend Chris (originally from Green Bay) awhile back – he is credited with taking some of the photos on the record sleeve.