Surf Punks “My Beach”

Published On: October 6, 2015Tags: , , ,

Surf Punks “My Beach” 1980. I needed a good laugh this morning so pulled this  80′s Malibu-based pop punk LP for a spin. It’s silly Beach Boys-esque “punk” that focuses on surfing, girls and the turf wars between the local Malibu surfers and outsiders vying for waves (the title track “My Beach” provides deep lyrical insight – “my beach, my chicks, my waves, Go home!”). My favorite, and arguably the most inane track on the record, is “Bird Bathroom” which I sing to myself on the occasions that I find myself at a beach.

The beach is nothing but a bird bathroom
Watch out!

The ocean’s nothing but a fish toilet
Watch out!

Watch out for those flyers in the sky
Something might just drop into your eye