Taj Mahal “Satisfied ‘n Tickled Too”

Published On: May 17, 2022Tags: , , , , , , ,

Taj Mahal “Satisfied ‘n Tickled Too” 1976. Today, May 17th, is Taj Mahal’s 80th birthday (b. Henry St. Claire Fredericks Jr., 1942). Satisfied ‘n Tickled Too is Mahal’s 9th studio album; it’s a mix of blues, jazz, world music and R&B. Not my usual fare, but I have a big soft spot of Taj Mahal as he was my first brush with musician celebrity. In 1976 just a bit before my 5th birthday, my parents took me to the Mariposa Folk Festival in Toronto where he performed and then I met him on the ferry from the island back to the mainland in a torrential downpour (you can read more about that here). I remember absolutely zero of his performance (the chances that I napped during it are super-high) but I strongly suspect he played much of the material on this record.

Satisfied ‘n Tickled Too is OK. The strongest track is the title track “Satisfied ‘n Tickled Too,” a cover of Mississippi John Hurt. It’s got a bit of groove Mahal delivers it with a hefty dose of sly wit.  “New E-Z Rider” has moments of good funk, as does “Easy to Love,” and the world beats/reggae rhythms of “Black Man Brown Man” are catchy. I’m less fond of the smooth jazz/R&B numbers like “Baby Love” (which goes on forevvvverrr) and the cover of Irving Taylor’s “Ain’t Nobody’s Business” is kinda corny, as is “Old Time Song – Old Time Love” by Hoshal Wright.