The Black Halos “The Black Halos”

The Black Halos “The Black Halos” 1999. Die Young Stay Pretty Records. Glammy yet scuzzy garage punk via Vancouver, BC. Our copy of their debut record came with a large poster and a bunch of CD label sized band member “thank you” sheets plus one CD-sized band sheet with recording info, like the song titles, that do not appear on the album’s back cover.
This record has been in the “should it stay or should it go” pile for quite awhile: nostalgia has prevented any serious consideration. We saw Black Halos open for Murder City Devils in July ’99 when they were on tour promoting this LP. The Murder City Devils played one of the best shows we’ve ever seen, in a 120 degree packed-to-the-rafters O’Kayz Corral in Madison. The Black Halos…I honestly don’t remember much from their set. I’m sure it was fine and they probably played most of the songs from this record. The Black Halos, at least on paper, ticks all my boxes: garage punk, snotty, danceable (ish), a Stiv Bators meets the Ramones sound. But it’s just not that exciting – kinda repetitive, the songs all kind of sound alike. For those reasons I can’t really name any top picks but for an idea of what the whole record sounds like, check out “Shooting Stars” and “The Worst Things” which are both pretty decent and the last track “B.S.F.” is a pretty good raucous punk burner. I’m still making up my mind about keeping or staying, but I guess if anyone is really stoked on having this in their collection, shoot me an offer.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.