The Candy Snatchers “Bum Me Out”

The Candy Snatchers “Bum Me Out” b/w “Lost and Found” 1996. American Punk Records. 90′s high-energy punk, catchy as hell. Weirdly the A-side, “Bum Me Out” isn’t available to link but “Lost and Found” is, via a comp of The Candy Snatchers early years (they formed in ‘92) aptly titled Pissed Off, Ripped Off, Screwed: The First Two Years from 1997 on Go-Kart Records. Back in the day, their shows were legendary: “the band’s tried-and-true array of destructive gimmicks kept the bookers guessing. Depending on mood, singer Larry May or axer Matt Odietus would sometimes cut their own scalp, ‘70s pro-wrestler style up by the hairline or wherever the blood would flow most effusively. Once, at CBGB, Matt bled out so much he almost fainted, and eventually had to be carted off to the ER with a t-shirt turban wrapped around his noggin. Larry  would smash glass bottles at random. Willy used lighter fluid to set his bass on fire, with the aid of excited audience members would often get outta hand with the flammables and torch Willy himself. Drums were routinely collided with and obliterated.“ Founder/guitarist Matt Odietus died in 2008 and drummer Barry Johnson died in 2000 but the band is still playing shows, from what I can mostly around their hometown of Virginia Beach, VA.