The Crackers “Sir Crackers!”

The Crackers “Sir Crackers!” 1981. Twin/Tone Records. Four-song EP by Minneapolis-based power pop rockers with Steve Almaas (also of The Suicide Commandos, Beat Rodeo, others) on bass and vocals, Karen Indiana (aka Karen Haglof, also of Band of Susans) on guitar and vocals, and Jay Peck (also of Figures) on drums and vocals. Yesterday while locating our one and only Cream album, I saw this filed right next to that LP and had no idea what it was. Sir Crackers! is The Crackers only release and has that 80′s Minneapolis power pop sound, kinda jangly, bright and a bit punky, like The Replacements. (The only track from this EP I could find online to link is “Ultimato” which sums up that Minneapolis sound quite nicely.) My favorite track on this 4-song EP is “I Can’t Have Faith,” an excellent pop song whose beat and bass line is reminiscent of The Jam’s “Start.” Also good is “Your Heart” which has an infectious 60′s psychedelic garage rock vibe.