The Demon’s Claws “The Defrosting of…”

The Demon’s Claws “The Defrosting of…” 2010. In The Red Records. Dark and psychedelic garage punk with some chunks of country-blues via Montreal, The Defrosting of… was The Demon’s Claws’ fifth full-length release, their second on In The Red, and I’m pretty sure the first I bought after hearing the record’s opening track “Fed From Her Hand” which is creepy, sparse and really great. I also like the spaghetti-western tinged “Mona’s Lunch,” the hard and fast rocking “Laser Beams,” the crisp and punchy “At the Disco,” and the Rolling Stones-ish (Sticky Fingers-era) “Anny Lou” (though they take that country-blues trashed twang too far on the tracks “Fucked on Ketamine” and “Weird Ways” which I really don’t like). Though overall I like the sparse, lo-fi trashy sound of The Demon’s Claws, I have to admit that it does get kinda stale with an entire listen-through, like every song feels that it is a rehash of the one that went before it or they’re all in the same key – that’s not actually the case but somewhere in there a palette-cleanser of a track is needed.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.