The Fells “The Fells”

Published On: February 16, 2022Tags: , , , ,

The Fells “The Fells” 1997. Estrus Records. Trashy, lo-fi garage punk, The Fells was the Tucson, AZ band’s first and final LP (there’s a 10″ EP from ’94 and they split up in ’98). This was a totally random pull today; I’m pretty sure I’ve never listened to it before though it’s probably been in our collection since the late 90’s. It leans more 60’s garage-inspired than punk as compared to a lot of their mid-to-late 90’s garage punk contemporaries. The Fells has a fuzzy-jangled sound and a tight, relentlessly driving beat – it’s great! My top tracks are the album opener “Inside Out,” a love song for the ages “You’re Making Me Sick” (complete with puking sounds; that track also appears on the 1999 Estrus comp 26 Excellent Estrus Spicey Sizzlers Sampler), the super-catchy “Let’s Go” and the dissonant and crazed “It’s Not Alright,” a song that I’m sure, when they played it live brought, down the house.