The Honeymoon Killers “The Honeymoon Killers From Mars”

The Honeymoon Killers “The Honeymoon Killers From Mars” 1984. Fur Records. The debut album from noisy punk blues rockers; “recorded in four track horror fidelity beneath the Sixth Street Butcher Shop NYC” (liner notes). Proto-Boss Hog/JSBX, this early Honeymoon Killers features constants Jerry Teel (guitar/vocals) and Lisa Wells (bass/vocals) but not Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s Russell Simins on drums (he played from about ’85-’91) or Boss Hog’s Cristina Martinez (she is on their fourth LP Turn Me On, ’87).  Jon Spencer joined the band for the Honeymoon Killers ’91 release Hung Far Low. It’s lo-l0-fi horror film styled punk blues and sparse experimental noise rock that feels pretty much the opposite of most music recorded in ’84 (which was mostly big, glossy and highly produced with lots of synths). Tracks like “Shake” are hypnotic and psychedelic, others feel like they really could be on a horror movie soundtrack (“Cat People” and the disturbing “Rooms of Doom”), and some are just messy messy noise with a steady beat (like their theme song “Honeymoon Killers”) or really rough Cramps-eseque psyschobilly (‘Cornbread Fed”). The two cover songs are…interesting. “Ubangi Stomp” is almost unrecognizable as compared to the original and one reviewer states that The Honeymoon Killers From Mars has “the world’s worst version of Bo Diddley’s ‘Who Do You Love?'” He’s not entirely wrong, but it’s also so gloriously terrible that it’s….good?!