The Jimi Hendrix Experience “Are You Experienced”

Published On: August 23, 2017Tags: , , , ,

The Jimi Hendrix Experience “Are You Experienced” released 50 years ago in the US on this date, August 23rd, 1967 (the original UK release date was May 12th, 1967). Hendrix’s debut was a psychedelic bombshell to the rock world and became one of the most important releases of all-time and certainly for the 60′s: it remained on the US Billboard chart for 106 weeks, is constantly included in greatest albums and songs lists and in 2005 was added to the Library of Congress’ National Recording Registry. My copy is another excellent inheritance from my Aunt Jeanie who consistently purchased vinyl gems in the 60′s.

From the back cover, “Be forewarned. Used to be an Experience meant making you a bit older. This one makes you wider…Jimi Hendrix breaks the world into interesting fragments. Then reassembles it. You hear with new ears, after being Experienced.” My ears didn’t really get Experienced until the late 80′s/early 90′s when I started listening to Are You Experienced a lot in college, when my mind was also getting wider. Since there are so many critiques and dissections of the album already out there, these are my personal faves and observations: I love the weird, psychedelic waltzed rhythm of “Manic Depression,” the despondent bluesy lament of “Hey Joe,” the swirly jangle in “Love or Confusion,” the hard blues guitar rifts in “I Don’t Live Today,” the funk of “Fire” and the raw unbridled sexuality of “Foxy Lady.”