The Replacements “Stink”

The Replacements “Stink” released on this date, June 24th, 1982. Twin/Tone Records. A “mean, lean, nasty, brutish affair” of an EP. The first track, “Kids Don’t Follow” is a punk anthem, its intro a classic recording of Minneapolis cops breaking up a party: “If you all just grab your stuff and leave, there won’t be any hassle. The party is over with, grab your stuff and go then nobody goes to jail” (and then supposedly Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum curses out the police). “Fuck School” is hilarious, Paul Westerberg digging deep into literary brilliance with the chorus “Fuck school fuck school fuck my school,” as is “God Damn Job,” the title pretty much summing up the thrust of song’s message (though also indicated is the need for a girl). “White and Lazy” riffs on the blues, complete with harmonica, before evolving into an angry hardcore punk chant. My favorite track is “Stuck in the Middle” with a very Sex Pistol-esque punk beat and respectable guitar solo.