The Reverend Horton Heat “Psychobilly Freakout”

The Reverend Horton Heat “Psychobilly Freakout” b/w “Baby You-Know-Who” 1990. Sub Pop Records, limited edition, Sub Pop Singles Club. “Psychobilly Freakout” is from The Rev’s first album Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em, the best of their albums, and the song is exactly what the title says it is: manic, heavy, brutally speed-metal fast. “Baby You-Know-Who,” also on Smoke ‘Em, is a bit more traditional, with Jimbo Wallace’s upright bass swinging front and center, but still has plenty of dangerous edges when Heat wails and snarls, ripping into a frantic guitar solo to close the track.

We saw Reverend Horton Heat 25 years ago in 1993 at the now burned-down Club de Wash in Madison, WI. Songs from Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em were definitely in the set list as were selections from the ‘93 release The Full Custom Gospel Sounds (I can’t tell you which ones – it was 25 years ago!) (I do remember hanging out at the bar with Jimbo before the show and him being completely obnoxious but not much else from that show.)