The Weaklings “Just The Way We Like It”

The Weaklings “Just The Way We Like It” 1999. Junk Records. Another pull from the should it stay or should it go? pile. The Weaklings are 1990′s irreverent garage punk and I’ve been trying to put my finger on who else they sound like and then I looked at the Junk Records mailorder insert and realized that they sound pretty much like all of the other 90′s garage punks on the label (Electric Frankenstein, The La Donnas, The Candy Snatchers and Zeke).

Loud, rude and raunchy at pogo speeds, The Weaklings’ sound is one that I like (hence the familiarity with other 90′s garage punks) but that sound gets redundant during the course of a full album spin. Each song starts with almost the exact same blistering guitar riff followed by the drummer setting a blazing-speed beat (for comparison listen to “All the Way, Evernight All Day,” “It’s So Criminal” and “Could’ve Told Ya”). My verdict: if these guys were to open up for Electric Frankenstein or similar, I’d get there early enough to check them out but probably wouldn’t throw down my cash for a headline show (I think the band ceased in the early 2000′s; their last release was in 2004). I think this record might need to go.
Daily (maybe) pulls from the vault: 33-1/3, 45, 78, old, older, classic, new, good, bad. Subjective. Autobiographical. Occasionally putting a record up for sale.