This Pine Box “The Way Out”

This Pine Box “The Way Out” 2018. Soul Step Records. Limited edition (100) on custom vinyl, “Fall Swirl” variant. I’m a recent subscriber to Soul Step Records out of Cincinnati and wasn’t familiar with This Pine Box, an indie 70′s rock-inspired band from Springboro, Ohio but went for this beauty after hearing a couple of songs on the label’s website and reading the band’s bio: “This album was recorded by John Curley of the Afghan Whigs at Ultrasuede Studios. The album artwork perfectly defines what to expect when you drop the needle. 1970’s influenced classic rock and roll. This Pine Box have been making tons of noise recently. Rising to prominence from being named WNKU’s “Artist of The Month” to recently playing the stage at Bellweather Fest after The Flaming Lips.” (I love that the album cover has the illusion of the record imprint, like so many of our old album covers have for real from the 70′s.)

The music on This Pine Box’s debut album is unironically breezy 70′s summer evenings, a bit Americnana southern-fried and Allman Brothers-esque, harmoniously timeless and classic. Faves include “Dance With Me,” the guitar solo and hard rocking piano driven “Composure,” “Evelyn” which somehow manages to be both sinister and soarlingly bright at the same time, and “Another Way” which soars anthemically (with a few whispers of Grateful Dead-like guitar jam noodling – and I do mean this in a good way). This Pine Box’s music is perfect for outdoor summer jams, sundressed and barefoot boogies on warm grass.